My Valentine's Gift To You

Whether your single and looking for love, searching for that perfect partner, or in a loving relationship the most important love is the love you hold for yourself.
I’ve specially created a Valentine’s gift for you, because you are loved, loving and deserve love.
So, even if you don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, you can always celebrate Love, because loving yourself is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. In fact, the more you love yourself, the more you will attract loving relationships and friendships into your life.
Years ago when I was working through childhood abuse the therapist asked me;
“What does loving yourself mean to you?”
This was my reply...
Love and respect for myself is to honour myself, hold myself in high esteem and to hold myself in a sense of great worth and excellence.
He then typed this up and laminated it for me. Now I always carry it in my purse.

There was a time when I was so stuck in the pain of my past that I could never have loved, or shown myself this love.
But once I did, everything changed. My life completely transformed, it took on a new direction and I met my loving partner.
Please feel free to email me to and let me know how this recording has made a difference.

Sorcha McAloon was a former Police Officer in N. Ireland. After experiencing her own childhood traumas and an injury sustained on duty, Sorcha's own life-changing transformation led her to become a Rapid Transformational Therapist and Coach. Sorcha helps women who've achieved success but want more, they feel stuck, dissatisfied and unfulfilled in life. She helps them to create the money they want by unlocking their deep-rooted blocks, helping them increase their self-worth, and confidence so they can create a life they want to live, Sorcha is passionate about helping her clients live their best life, by becoming the best version of themselves. She is also Hypnotherapist, Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner. Sorcha's clients are worldwide as she works over Zoom, as well as Face-To-Face.
You can follow Sorcha on
Instagram: SorchaMcAloon
Facebook: SorchaMcAloonRTT