I get it. You have it all together on the outside. Your life looks great to others looking at you. But on the inside it's a different...

Do You Have Reasons or Results?
REASONS or RESULTS It has to be one or the other… You cannot get the RESULTS you want, if you’re still holding onto the reasons why you...

Why now is a great time to burn Frankincense in your home or office?
Little did I know that studying alternative therapies over 25 years ago would benefit me today! I had gotten out of the practice of...

DANGER ZONE - get out!
Therapy. Counselling. Reiki. Self Help books. YouTube. Affirmations. Positive Thinking. Meditation. You've tried them all right? Let me...

Why are we not BEST Selling Authors with the stories we're telling ourselves..?
I've told myself some whoppers over the years about why I can't be, do or have something I really want. I've denied myself some amazing...

My Letter To You...
My beautiful friends, how honoured I am to be on this journey, part of this journey with you. I know for sure, that because of everything...

Learn how to Master the Law Of Attraction.
Are you ready to Master The Law of Attraction and live the life you want? You've heard about the Law of Attraction, right? Maybe you...

Want More Money?
Financial Freedom affords you the freedom to enjoy a fulfilled life! Spring is in the air and it always gives me a boost! For me it...

My Valentine's Gift To You
Whether your single and looking for love, searching for that perfect partner, or in a loving relationship the most important love is the...

Your Christmas Gift!
You deserve what you wish for simply because you exist. The Universe and the Divine don't keep score in order to decide if you've earned...